Friday, January 05, 2007

Taking a stand!

So, one of my other New Year's resolutions is to read more. Now, if my husband happens to read this he is going to laugh out loud. He thinks I read plenty of books. But I feel like I didn't read much last year, which is seriously not like me. Actually, the entire resolution is "more books, less internet". Do you ever feel that with the wealth of information literally at our fingertips, we are actually dumber? It's like, if it can't be communicated in one page view, one instant message, one 30 second spot, I can't be bothered with it. Well, I say no more! I say, more books! More handwritten letters! More thought provoking conversation! Let's expand our minds, people, not just our MySpace pages!

Don't get me wrong, I love the convenience, information and communication the internet offers. I would be lost without it. But I should be able to use the internet for those things without becoming a mindless drone slumped on the couch in my pajamas reading about Britney Spear's New Year's drama, watching SNL videos on YouTube, and playing Tetris. Pathetic.

So, this year I'm reading more books! I went to Barnes & Noble (well, to their website, anyway.) and took advantage of their post-holiday sale. I bought a bunch of stuff I've been wanting to read, but have been too busy downloading music from iTunes and webcam-ing with friends in Georgia to get to. I have a great stack started...which is a little inconvenient in a 500 square foot apartment. I'm completely out of bookcase room, and have started stacking books under the bed. Ah...someday I'll have a library. So I'll let you know what I've read, and if it's worth reading. And, if you have recommendations, please post them! I could always use another good book in my stack.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the blog updates! I am impressed with your regularity! It sounds like you had quite a special Christmas. You'll have to blog all of your new recipes you'll cook now. As far as reading goes, this is one of my resolutions as well. However, I am very behind and am first catching up on all of the Francine Rivers books I haven't read yet. Just finished "Redeeming Love" and am now going to get started on the Lion series. Once I get caught up and get onto newer things I'll let you know. For now, what are you reading?

    Love you and miss you!
