Friday, January 19, 2007

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted

I learned this week of the death of one of the most amazing young men I have ever known -- Adam Langford. Adam was serving as a missionary in Uganda when he was killed in an automobile accident, along with another member of his team.

I feel like I've known the Langford clan my whole life. I grew up at Quail Springs Church of Christ with the Langford family, and his older brother Ben and I were best friends from the end of high school into college. His family was my second family and his two younger brothers, Adam and Jonathan, were like my brothers. Those amazing Langford boys had hearts that were completely sold out for Christ. They knew He had a calling on their lives, and they were eager to go anywhere, do anything to serve Him.

Adam was the kindest, funniest, most talented "kid". He had a contagious laugh and a heart of pure gold. He never met a stranger, and was fearless in his faith. I believe that a bright light has gone out on earth now that Adam has gone home.

My love and heartbroken prayers go out to his parents, Terry & Kathy, to Ben, Kym and Eli, to Jon, and the rest of his family. My prayers of praise go to God for Adam's precious life and the hundreds and hundreds of people he has blessed. Adam loved the Lord and followed Him fearlessly. I pray that I might do the same.

For more about the ministry being done in Uganda, visit


  1. Thanks Tracy for your comment on my blog. I'll be sure to pass on your thoughts to the Langfords. And also show them your post as well.


    PS: Of course I remember you!

  2. I am so sorry to hear the news of Adam's death. What a tragic loss for all. Jeremy and I will be praying for the Langford family.


  3. Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Tracey. We are praying for the Langfords and the team over in Uganda. I pray that you will be comforted too because you cared for him so dearly.
    Love, Tami
