Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We don't need no stinking potty training...

Ok, friends...help me out! I have a 3 year old who is not potty trained. Not only not potty trained, has absolutely ZERO interest in using the "big boy potty". Not only zero interest, he frankly could care less if he sits in a diaper full of poo for hours on end. Seriously. How do you convince a kid to use the potty when he thinks being sopping wet and wretchedly stinky is no big deal?

I swear, I'm going to have the first kid who grows out of all regular diapers and has to start wearing Depends.

At his 3 year check-up, our doctor recommended laying off the "potty-talk" (so to speak) for a whole month. Don't suggest it, don't try it, don't talk about it...nothing. If he mentions it, fine. But we are not to initiate a conversation about, say the phrase "big boy potty", or even make eye-contact with the Lightening McQueen potty for a whole month. Then he said we should try again, only this time use completely different incentives. If it was stickers before, it should be M&M's now, or whatever. We may go straight to the standing-to-potty method. Yes, I expect a mess...but there has to be some way to encourage the kid to want to use the potty. Not to get too graphic (and Kevin may kill me for this), but Cameron has recently observed Kevin's pottying prowess, and now talks constantly about "Daddy goes potty like fireman".

Hey, whatever works.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Both exciting and disturbing...

Today we are having a veritable heat wave. According to weather.com, it is 56 degrees here!! Sure, I've still got a foot of snow in my yard, but 56 degrees!! Come on, that's practically beach weather! Ok, yes, getting a bit ahead of myself, but I can't tell you how exciting this is. I'm sitting here at my computer with the window beside me cracked open, just so I can feel the fresh, cool air. It's heaven.

However, the disturbing side effect is the slow melt of our snowman. This guy was 5'5" at his tallest moment, and a true feat of engineering by a complete novice. I mean, come on people, I grew up in Oklahoma. With the 2-inch dustings of snow we'd get, my brother and I would make these stubby little 8 inch snowmen that were mostly mud, twigs and dead leaves that got rolled up with the snow. Pathetic.

So this monstrosity of a snowman was a true achievement! I thought it was going to be a super fun Mommy-Cameron bonding activity. Yeah, it was pretty much Mommy doing the rolling, patting, lifting and shaping, while Cameron stood on the sidewalk saying, "Good job, Mommy! I go in now and watch a little show?" Ah well, maybe next year.

So, here is a photo of our snowman now (rather poor quality since I had to take it with my phone). Yesterday it looked creepily like a African shrunken head snowman, and has now devolved into the Headless Snowman...complete with the scarf still around it's noggin-less neck. Yep...creepy.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Neverending Snow

People, we have been snowed under for MONTHS. I don't think I've seen my lawn since Thanksgiving. It is still about 18 inches deep and is now a slick sheet of ice along the top. I swear this snow isn't going to melt until sometime in mid-June. We are stuck inside most days, dying for some entertainment. It's hard not to just turn on Nick Jr. and let Dora and the Bubble Guppies entertain Cameron all day.

Cabin. Fever.

But I'm trying to focus on the spring to come. I'm trying to give myself a little ray of hope by planning for those days when it isn't 17 degrees outside. I'm trying to get to the gym more often to work off winter squidginess that comes from too many comfort foods and not enough activity. I'm starting to strategize for my vegetable garden. This will be my first foray into gardening and I can't wait! I'm reading everything I can on growing vegetables, discouraging pests, creating rain barrels, making compost, etc. I'm starting to think about spring colors and clothes - good-bye sweaters and boots, hello tank tops and strappy sandles! I can almost feel the cool spring air through the window right now. Ahh...

Anyway, I hope wherever you are, you're feeling a little more hopeful about the possibility of spring. Believe it or not, it's right around the corner!