Monday, February 14, 2011

Both exciting and disturbing...

Today we are having a veritable heat wave. According to, it is 56 degrees here!! Sure, I've still got a foot of snow in my yard, but 56 degrees!! Come on, that's practically beach weather! Ok, yes, getting a bit ahead of myself, but I can't tell you how exciting this is. I'm sitting here at my computer with the window beside me cracked open, just so I can feel the fresh, cool air. It's heaven.

However, the disturbing side effect is the slow melt of our snowman. This guy was 5'5" at his tallest moment, and a true feat of engineering by a complete novice. I mean, come on people, I grew up in Oklahoma. With the 2-inch dustings of snow we'd get, my brother and I would make these stubby little 8 inch snowmen that were mostly mud, twigs and dead leaves that got rolled up with the snow. Pathetic.

So this monstrosity of a snowman was a true achievement! I thought it was going to be a super fun Mommy-Cameron bonding activity. Yeah, it was pretty much Mommy doing the rolling, patting, lifting and shaping, while Cameron stood on the sidewalk saying, "Good job, Mommy! I go in now and watch a little show?" Ah well, maybe next year.

So, here is a photo of our snowman now (rather poor quality since I had to take it with my phone). Yesterday it looked creepily like a African shrunken head snowman, and has now devolved into the Headless Snowman...complete with the scarf still around it's noggin-less neck. Yep...creepy.

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