Thursday, March 29, 2007

To Yoga, or Not to Yoga...

I told someone recently that I have this theory: There are two kinds of people in the world...people who do yoga, and people who don't do yoga. I'm not entirely sure what separates the yoga-ers from the non-yoga-ers, but I'm sure there is a common denominator.

I fall firmly into the non-yoga camp. I finish an hour and a half of yoga, and then have to go have a "real" workout. Exercise that can be done in your pajamas to soft, soothing elevator music, with a full face of make-up on, without even breaking a sweat, is not exercise. Oh, and I don't "Om". I'm sorry, I just can't. Every time we get to the "Om" part, I start laughing. I mean, really. What is that about?

I'm less yoga and more kickboxing, and it is not pretty. If I don't leave class red-faced, sweating through my clothes and feeling embarrassed about standing too close to people on the subway, then I have wasted my time. I'm sure this says something about my restless, Type A, high D, control-freakish personality living in a multi-tasking, caffeinated world of constant stimulation. Whatever. All I know is that my blissed-out hour of roundhouse kicks and uppercuts on Saturday morning flies by...but 15 minutes into yoga and my eyes start glazing over. I could burn as many calories at home...for free...sleeping.

Now, I shouldn't disparage yoga. I have many friends who are firm believers in it, touting its benefits to body, mind and spirit. And I know that to have a well-rounded physical routine, it should include some form of stretching. I try to fit in the occasional yoga class. Tomorrow, for instance, I'm going to a 10am yoga class at my gym. Why, you ask? Well, they don't have a kickboxing class on Fridays. And I did wash and dry my hair today...if I go do yoga I won't have to worry about sweating. I guess I'll just work twice as hard at kickboxing on Saturday.

Alright, everyone, say it with me.


1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm one of the most laid-back people I know, and I don't do yoga either, so I don't know if you could call it a personality thing. Although I am kind of excitable, and I really enjoy the endorphine/adrenaline rush I get from working up a good sweat.
