Thursday, June 05, 2008

This is my life right now...

By Marie Howe

Every day I want to speak with you. And every day something more important
calls for my attention -- the drugstore, the beauty products, the luggage.

I need to buy for the trip.
Even now I can hardly sit here

among the falling piles of paper and clothing, the garbage trucks outside
already screeching and banging.

The mystics say you are as close as my own breath.
Why do I flee from you?

My days and nights pour through me like complaints
and become a story I forgot to tell.

Help me. Even as I write these words I am planning
to rise from the chair as soon as I finish this sentence.


  1. I totally remember feeling like this the first year of Carter's life. The routine/schedule/sleep/start all over...yet not taking time to be with the Lord. Wanting so badly to be in the Word...yet finding a million and one other things that would pull my attention away...sleeping as much as I could:). I don't really have any words of wisdom except that it seemed to get better as he got a little older. Because then I began teaching him about God, which helped with my own "closeness" to God...telling Carter about nature...reading his Bible...teaching him songs...all very elementary but yet made me feel closer and closer to God every day. Girl, I love you and will definitely pray for you to "see" and "feel" God in the mundane day-to-day routine of life!

  2. Wow...this is so how I feel 99% of the time. Especially the last sentence. I have felt that time and time again. I like Amber's comment. It gives me some hope as well.

  3. Amen, sister. Thank God for His patience and for never leaving the table even when we do. Love you.
