Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Eat, Drink and Be Merry...for tomorrow we have jury duty.

Sometimes you just have to revel in the absurdity that is pregnancy. I mean, really...how many times in your life are encouraged to gain 25-35 pounds (give or take a pound or two...or ten) in less then a year, eat (almost) anything you want, wear enormous clothes, waddle around feeling like a whale and be told the entire time how ADORABLE you are!

Tonight I had a one of those moments where you stop and look at yourself and think, "if I weren't pregnant, this would be completely unacceptable!" After a long day of jury selection and a quick trip to the doctor to confirm that, yes, I am indeed having Braxton Hicks contractions, I came home and collapsed on the Aerobed. Again, the only piece of furniture we have in our apartment. The high today was about 30 degrees, with the winds howling around 30 miles an hour. Kids, it was cold. I pulled on the biggest, most comfortable, most unflattering pair of yoga pants I own, and curled up under the down comforter for a nap.

I woke up about an hour later starving, and mentally assessed the food options in the apartment. With no working stove or oven, no toaster, no microwave, no dishes or pots or pans, I was limited to peanut butter & jelly or a turkey sandwich. Mmm...turkey sandwich. Then I realized that I couldn't possibly eat a turkey sandwich without Cheetos. There was absolutely no way on the planet I could eat anything without Cheetos. I needed Cheetos, and I needed them now. Who cares that it's 8:30 at night and 20 degrees outside? Who cares that I'm practically in my pajamas? So, I got up, and pulled on one of Kevin's sweaters (he's currently in Detroit, or he might have succeeded in talking me out of this madness...might) and my tennis shoes, wrapped myself in coats, scarves, and gloves, and walked the 2 blocks down to the local market for Cheetos.

And did they have Cheetos? Noooooooo. They had Cheetos Puffs, which are CLEARLY not Cheetos. And when you want Cheetos, Cheetos Puffs are NOT going to cut it.

So I walked 5 more blocks to a Rite Aid, where not only did I find Cheetos, but they were ON SALE! My persistence is rewarded!

I happily walked all the way home with my 2 bags of Cheetos (for $3.00), and had the world's best turkey sandwich with all the Cheetos my little heart desired. And as I'm sitting here on the Aerobed, eating my turkey sandwich off of a paper towel because we have no plates, munching Cheetos from the bag, and reading my Food & Wine magazine about places I can't travel, wine I can't drink, and food I can't cook (did I mention my pots & pans are in a box in storage??), I was struck by the ridiculousness that is pregnancy. It is truly 10 months of temporary insanity. And the entire world is your accomplice.

Well, I'm off to Jury Duty tomorrow, where I will be serving my civic duty as one of 8 jurors in a automobile/pedestrian collision trial. Could be interesting...but probably not. I'll let you know.


  1. This was the laugh I needed this morning. :)

    Hope you have a great day!

  2. I laughed out loud because boy can I relate and I did the same things several times during my ny pregnancy. Eat those Cheetoes girl!

  3. That is AWESOME! Oh my goodness. Love it love it. I would have done exactly the same thing. I so wish I could have joined you!! What a blast. Enjoy it honey. That is definitely a little window into pregnancy bliss. You look great. I loved seeing you. I wish I could fly up there right now. Well, expect a visit from me as I move closer to your part of the country. :)

  4. Tracey, that was so funny! What was even funnier is that I ate a ton of Cheetos tonight too - guess its our preggo connection. But what is sad is that I probably would have walked 10 blocks for Cheetos even prior to the pregnancy :( Love you!

  5. I love it!!! Absolutely hilarious, and SO perfect.

  6. i love pregnancy cravings! Your blog is hilarious - I love reading about your NY adventures. thanks for sharing the fun!

  7. Hi Tracey: Love the story!! What a girl wants what a girl needs...cheetoes. It was really good to see you. The present was just away to get in the door so I could see it to believe it. But really I ask what baby does not need an Oklahoma onsie? Love and Blessings, Robin C.
