Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How can the glorious effects of vacation be so short?

I am having one of those days. You know the ones. Where all day long you are seconds from pulling all your hair out by the roots, and then banging your newly-bald head against the nearest wall while chanting "why me? why me? why me?". Yep, that's me. None of the things that are making me crazy are bad on their own...but pile them all together on top of me at once, and they are suffocating.

Why is it that little Minis insist on waking up extra early to practice new skills - like standing up in their cribs? Why is it that bleary-eyed Mommies don't notice that the crib mattress is now entirely too high for standing Minis...until they go to put the Minis down for morning naps? Why is it that sweet, helpful husbands always have meetings on the mornings bleary-eyed Mommies have to lower the crib mattresses, thus leaving the Mommies to attempt this feat while cranky, tired Minis who woke up too early are screaming their tiny brains out in nearby Exersaucers?

Why do overtired Minis insist on only taking 45 minute morning naps on days that Mommies need to look especially cute because they're going to get their passport picture taken - and will have to look at it for 10 years? Why do Mommies think anyone else cares what they look like in their passport pictures? Why do Mommies insist on putting on cute(ish) tops that only make them try to suck in their Mommy-tummies all day long? Why do little Minis insist on wiping their crumby (not crummy) hands all over their Mommies cute(ish) tops before she's even had her passport photo taken?

Why does all of this happen before lunchtime??

Why do Mommies with too many tasks to accomplish and not enough hours in the day think they have time to blog?

Some time in the next decade, if you see my passport, you won't have to ask why I'm bald with a bump on my head and wearing a dumpy sweater. It will all make perfect sense.


  1. Priceless. Purely priceless. It's ok, our passport pictures can match atleast. :) If you only lived closer........
    I just picked up a DOZEN LONG STEM roses from Kroger that are BEEEAUTIFUL for 2 dollars. Yep. 2 even. And I wanted to give them to someone sooooo bad. But they are red, and hubs is gone, and I have no close friend I would feel comfortable giving RED roses to. But you, miss Tracey. I would TOTALLY give them to you. Bummer. I wish you were here, for more reasons than just that.

  2. Girl,

    Mini knew you left him while you were chillin' on the beach...and he is paying you back! Little does he know that you are really just counting down the days until the next vacation!
    love you

  3. thanks for your comments sweetie! by the way, that pic of the vacation spot is actually costa rica===our destination of choice for our 10th anniversary. ooooooooooo baby.
